Jeff Zych


  • Kind Eye

    “I look with a kind eye at people.” This line from tennis coach Patrick Mouratoglou (Serena Williams former coach) in Nick Kyrgios “Good Trouble” YouTube series struck a chord with me.

  • Product Manager and Product Designer: Who Does What?

    I recently noticed that my team of Product Designers at LaunchDarkly was having trouble navigating the overlap of Product Design and Product Management. No one said it explicitly, but after hearing some frustrations in 1:1s and team meetings I connected the dots that this issue was the common variable across a variety of complaints.

  • What to Expect if I'm Your Manager

    This past January I started my new gig at Gladly, managing the product design team. Unlike at Optimizely, where I transitioned into managing people I already worked with, at Gladly I inherited a team who didn't know me at all. Inspired by my new boss who did the same thing, I wrote a document to describe what my new team could expect from me as their manager. I decided to re-publish that document here. Enjoy.

  • How to Say No to Your CEO Without Saying No

    Shortly after I rolled out Optimizely's Discovery kanban process last year, one of its benefits became immediately obvious: using it as a tool to say No.

  • Hiring Designers: Advice from Twitter, Uber, and GoPro

    Google Ventures invited design leaders from Twitter, Uber, and GoPro to discuss the topic of hiring designers. What follows are my aggregated and summarized notes.

  • Why I Became a Design Manager

    At the start of 2015, I officially became a Design Manager at Optimizely. I transitioned from an individual contributor, product design role into a leadership role. So why did I become a Design Manager?

  • Fostering creative environments

    I recently read Smashing Magazine's article 'On Creative Leadership' that talks about creating an environment in which people can be creative. This section really resonated with me because it's something we do occasionally at Optimizely, and talk about doing more of: